Let Go of Relying on Others for Your Success

Military Press at CrossFit Wollongong Open Day Affiliate Meet Kane Str

Truth: It takes a village to raise a child. It takes a community to create a leader. And it takes an individual to take on that responsibility.

Fact: No matter how much help a person is offered, it is useless unless they are the one to take action.

You can sit down with a fortune-teller who will read your energy, interpret your past, show you elements of your present, and offer you a path towards your future. But once you walk out those doors, set one foot in front of the other, everything could change.

You may do exactly what she says and be on your way towards pursuing life’s greatest treasures. You can do everything she says. But something will happen, because something always happens, and everything on your perfect lifeline will ripple. It is up to you to decide where you want to go next.

Everything happens for a reason. 2010 will go down in (my) history as one of immense personal growth and change, one that happened with the support group of friends, family, and sometimes strangers, who have listened, critiqued, and helped me navigate through it all. But there’s one thing they could never and can never do for me, and that’s pressing the “go” button and making me do whatever it is I set my mind to doing.

That part is up to me.

This year I let go of relying on others to be responsible for my success and excuses for my failures. Yes, they can attribute to the success and participate in the failures, but it’s up to me to make everything happen for myself.

What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why?

Photo Credit: KaneStr


8 Responses

  1. I love this. It’s a great reminder that support is great, but people really can’t take responsibility for you. It is about defining how you are going to steer the course of your own life. Well written!

  2. I love this. It’s a great reminder that support is great, but people really can’t take responsibility for you. It is about defining how you are going to steer the course of your own life. Well written!

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